Giovedì, 18 Giugno 2015 18:59

Turkey: A Bridge Between Easr and West

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Turkey: a Bridge between East and West
Guido Gambetta, Salvatore Mirabella (edited by)
“The places I have briefly described and that have made an impression on me are only a first point of contact with Turkey. Authentic knowledge of the country – and the real driving force of my photographic work – is ultimately through its people: the discovery of the role of women and their increasingly important and active role in the country’s development; the energy of new generations and the attempt to overcome – through improved education and culture – ancient, endemic ethnic and religious conflicts. Of course several problems still remain to be solved, especially regarding those communities within the country that seem impermeable to progress and tolerance. But all in all, Turkey appeared to me well-disposed for the future: certainly more enthusiastically and confidently than European society”. (Salvatore Mirabella)
GUIDO GAMBETTA was born on August 28, 1943 in Bergamo (Italy). He graduated in Sociology at the University of Trento in 1967. He began his academic career in 1968 as an Assistant Professor of Econometrics at the University of Bologna where he was appointed Full Professor of Econometrics in 1980. His research interests focus on macroeconometric models and the statistical theory of forecasting. He was Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences (1987-1993), Director of the Department of Economics (1993-1996), President of the Forlì Campus and Vice-Rector (2000-2009). In 2001 he was awarded the freedom of the city of Forlì and in 2005 the freedom of the city of Uhrovec (Slovak Republic), Alexander Dubček’s birthplace. In 2003 he was awarded an Honorary Degree by the Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín. He was chairman, and is a member, of various Scientific Committees. Recently he has developed a keen interest in the use and documentation of historical photo archives.
SALVATORE MIRABELLA has worked at the University of Bologna for several years. An expert in a range of multimedia disciplines, he has collaborated on a number of cultural, historical, and artistic projects with a special focus on European Union member states and the notion of “border”. The director of a number of video documentaries (Memory Zone 68. La Primavera di Praga e Bratislava), his expertise lies in fields such as photography, digital printing, web technologies, and graphics. His photographic work has been featured in several exhibitions and publications, including: Soglie (2006), Il sorriso e la maschera (2007), Pais Italia (2008), and Le città di Berlino (2009).
© 2011, pp. 248
LA CONSEGNA E’ GRATUITA (tramite raccomandata postale Standard Italia, entro 4/5 giorni lavorativi)
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Adriana Destro

Ordinaria di Antropologia culturale UniversitĂ  di Bologna, FacoltĂ  di Lettere, Dipartimento di Discipline storiche. Dal 1994. Fondatrice del LEA - Laboratorio Etno-Antropologico dell'Ateneo di Bologna.. (continua)

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