Giovedì, 18 Giugno 2015 18:55

Encounters with Jesus

Scritto da 

Adriana Destro e M.Pesce, Encounters with Jesus, Fortress Press Nov. 2011

Introduction: A Book on Jesus’ Lifestyle ix
Lifestyle as the First Message x
The Historical Reliability of the Gospels xii
The Necessity of Research into the Historical Jesus xiv
1. Jesus on His Landscape: Mental Maps and Real Territories 3
Jesus and His Land 3
Far from the Cities 5
Jesus in Galilee, in Judaea, and outside the Borders 11
Jesus’ Attitude toward Jerusalem 16
2. Jesus on Foot: A Life in Continuous Movement 25
An Identity without Networks 26
Not a Nomad, Not a Traveler, nor Yet a Pilgrim 29
The Code of the Itinerant: Do Not Sow or Reap,
Do Not Toil or Spin 33
Walking and the Time of the Itinerant 35
Solitude and Flight 37
3. Jesus Face to Face: Encounters 41
On an Equal Footing 42
The Encounter with the Baptizer 43
The Followers 48
The Twelve 53
Meetings with Relatives: Closeness and Conflict 57
Friends and Supporters 62
The Women 65
Sinners, Those Possessed by Demons, and the Sick 79
An Array of Adversaries 79
“Rich” and “Poor” among the Addressees of Jesus 71
The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel 72
Jesus’ Preference for Direct Encounters 74

4. Jesus at Table: Eating Together 78
Coming Together to Eat: Building Up Society 78
In the Houses of the Rich 84
Eating along the Way 85
At Table with His Followers 87
At Table with Friends 89
Miracles to Feed the Hungry: The Sign of Abundance 90
Eating Together in the Parables 91
The Symbolic Complexity of Conviviality 94
The Future Banquet 99
5. Jesus Leaves Home and Is Made at Home with Others 102
Without a House of His Own—in the Houses of Others 102
The Variety of Houses: Styles and Relationships 104
A Group without a Place of Its Own 107
The Individual Call 109
The Adult Generation Abandons Home 110
Conflicts among the Members of a Household 116
An Interstitial Strategy 125
6. Jesus and His Body 128
The Place of Corporality 128
Bodies Procreate: Jesus’ Genealogical Position 130
When His Contemporaries Looked at Jesus,
What Did They See? 134
Other Looks, Other Appearances 139
The Body Is Taken Prisoner 141
An Inclusive Subject: The Crowd 143
The Body in Danger 149
The Body of Jesus and the Healings 150
7. Jesus and Emotion: Feelings and Desires 155
How Do We Get to Know the Inner Life of Jesus? 155
The Cultural Meanings of Emotions 155
Jesus’ Compassion 157
Anxiety and Sadness 159
Indignation and Anger 161
The Power of Silence 162
The Problems Involved in Leave Taking 163


Letto 2637 volte


Adriana Destro

Ordinaria di Antropologia culturale Università di Bologna, Facoltà di Lettere, Dipartimento di Discipline storiche. Dal 1994. Fondatrice del LEA - Laboratorio Etno-Antropologico dell'Ateneo di Bologna.. (continua)